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Examination Items and Pricing


Vascular Elasticity Package(Advanced)

All subjects undergoing health checkups are reminded that even though screenings can effectively diagnose a disease in advance and reduce its threat to your health, all examination items and medical instrument-based screenings do not have full sensitivity to various diseases. In addition, due to the diversity of the individual characteristics and health statuses of subjects, it is impossible to fully diagnose every disease.

Furthermore, after receiving a checkup, it is recommended that you receive follow-ups or treatment according to the doctor's recommendations, adjust your daily lifestyle, and avoid risk factors that may affect your health, so as to achieve the fullest potential of healthcare management and preventive medicine.

  • Aim of examination: Vascular elasticity is used to measure arterial stiffness, and the dysfunction of endothelial cells is regarded as an early indicator of arteriosclerosis. The use of non-invasive methods to determine vascular elasticity and endothelial cell function is beneficial for assessing the risk of preclinical cardiovascular disease.
Vascular Elasticity Package Premium Advanced
Carotid ultrasonography V V
Heart rate variability test V V
Pulse Wave Velocity V V
Flow Mediated Vasodilation V V
24-hrs aortic (central) blood pressure V
Vascular health Assessment V V
Summarized and Consultation of Health Checkup Report V V
Cost of package NT$ 13,100 16,600

Differences between advanced packages

The 24-hour blood pressure monitor accurately detects actual changes in blood pressure and is able to take multiple blood pressure measurements within a day. These measurements can be used in the diagnosis of hypertension and whether an individual’s blood pressure levels are controlled normally. In particular, the 24-hour blood pressure monitor reliably detects white coat hypertension (which is a common condition) as well as masked hypertension (which is caused by poor medication compliance). Compared to home blood pressure monitors, the 24-hour blood pressure monitor generates more accurate results. Therefore, this examination is suitable for individuals with hypertension, hyperglycemia, and hyperlipidemia, or those who wish to understand the changes in their blood pressure levels. The 24-hour blood pressure monitor can be used to evaluate the efficacy of drug treatment for individuals with hypertension. In addition, it also assesses whether there is any damage to target organs (organs at high risk of damage caused by hypertension). The results are used to accurately estimate the blood pressure control range suitable for an individual.

Atherosclerosis is a primary cause of cardiovascular diseases at present. The risk factors of atherosclerosis include age, gender, smoking, diabetes, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and family history. When atherosclerosis turns severe, the atherosclerotic plaques can cause arterial occlusion directly, or by thrombosis formation owing to plaque rupture. Therefore, blood flow is severely obstructed, leading toclinical cardiovascular symptoms and diseases, such as angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, and stroke, or sudden death.

However, in the early stages of atherosclerosis, the arterial endothelial cells lose their function of maintaining vascular relaxation, while arterial wall stiffness increases. In clinical practice, arterial elasticity analysis and arteriosclerosis analysis are currently used to measure vascular elasticity and evaluate the degree of arterial wall stiffness.

The principle of arterial elasticity analysis is the reduced synthesis of nitric oxide (NO), which protects and maintains the normal elasticity of blood vessels. Thus, in arterial elasticity analysis, a blood pressure monitoring cuff is placed on the forearm and external pressure is applied (in a similar way as when measuring blood pressure) to detect the degree of vascular expansion in response to the release of blood flow after the external pressure is removed. This facilitates the detection of preclinical atherosclerosis, as well as arterial health, based on the status of vascular endothelial cell function.

It is important to detect the risk of atherosclerosis during the preclinical stage before organ lesions appear. Medical interventions and maintenance of a healthy lifestyle reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and improve quality of life.


  1. 24 hours before the examination, avoid strenuous exercise.
  2. 12 hours before the examination, do not drink alcohol, coffee, or energy drinks.
  3. 4 hours before the examination, do not smoke, not eat food/meals any more, except water.
  4. Those undertaking arterial elasticity analysis are required to wear loose clothing during the day of examination.24-hour blood pressure monitoring device will be put on before you leave the Health Management Center. The blood pressure device would be worn for 24 hours,. You can carry out your usual activities while wearing the device.
