We provide examinees with Niflec to help cleansing the bowels. We recommend you use the laxative from 3 a.m. onwards on the day of the examination. Dilute one sachet of Niflec in 2000 c.c. of warm plain water and take the first 1000 c.c. within 30 minutes (or one hour for those who find it difficult to drink it), and then take the remaining 1000 c.c. within the next hour.
The effect usually begins within an hour, and you will defecate yellowish watery stools within two to three hours. Once the stools become clear, you can receive the colonoscopy.
Examinees who have habitual constipation or whose stools is not yet clear should drink 2000 c.c. of water at most (no more than 4000 c.c. fluid amount in total) after they have finished taking the laxative.
If the bowels cleansing is not ideal even with the use of medications, our care manager will consider whether to administer a small dose of cleansing enema on the day of the examination.
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